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Best time to Visit Amboseli National Reserve

The home of the African Elephant

Best time to visit Amboseli National Reserve

Amboseli National Reserve is a protected area located in southern Kenya, near the Tanzanian border. It covers an area of about 392 square kilometers and is famous for its views of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. The park is home to a diverse range of wildlife including large herds of elephants, lions, cheetahs, hyenas, wildebeest, zebras, and more than 400 bird species. Visitors can enjoy game drives, guided walks, and cultural tours in the nearby Maasai villages. The best time to visit Amboseli National Reserve is during the dry season, from June to September and from January to February, when the animals congregate around the waterholes and the skies are clear for the best views of Mount Kilimanjaro.