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Best time to Visit David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Nursery

A Haven for Wildlife

Best time to visit David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Nursery

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Nursery is a sanctuary located in Nairobi, Kenya. It was established in 1977 in honor of David Sheldrick, a renowned Kenyan naturalist and the first warden of Tsavo East National Park. The elephant nursery is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating orphaned elephants and rhinos, and releasing them back into the wild.

The nursery provides a safe haven for young elephants that have been orphaned as a result of poaching, human-wildlife conflict, or other tragedies. Once rescued, the elephants receive round-the-clock care from a team of dedicated keepers, who provide them with food, water, medical attention, and emotional support.

Visitors to the elephant nursery can observe the young elephants during their feeding times, which take place several times a day. The experience offers a unique opportunity to get up close with these gentle giants, learn about their individual stories, and witness their playful and affectionate behavior.

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Nursery also operates an adoption program, which allows individuals to support the ongoing care of an orphaned elephant or rhino. Adoptive parents receive regular updates on their adopted animal's progress, and can visit the nursery to meet them in person.

The best time to visit the elephant nursery is during the public visiting hours, which take place daily from 11am to 12pm. It is recommended to arrive early, as the nursery can get quite busy, and to wear comfortable walking shoes and a hat.