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Best time to Visit Fish River Canyon

Second largest canyon in the world.

Best time to visit Fish River Canyon

Fish River Canyon is a magnificent natural wonder located in the southern part of Namibia. The best time to visit Fish River Canyon depends on your interests and priorities.

The cooler and drier months of May to September are generally considered the best time to visit Fish River Canyon. During this time, the weather is mild and dry, making it comfortable to explore the area. Additionally, the clear skies make for excellent photographic opportunities, and the cooler temperatures make hiking and exploring the canyon more comfortable.

The summer months, from October to April, can be hot and humid, but the landscapes are transformed by brief but intense periods of rainfall, and the area is lush and green during this time. This can be a great time for photography, and the waterfalls and streams in the canyon are at their most beautiful. However, the high temperatures can make hiking and exploring the area more challenging.

Overall, the best time to visit Fish River Canyon depends on your interests and priorities. If you are interested in outdoor activities like hiking and exploring the canyon, the cooler months from May to September are ideal. If you are interested in photography and prefer to see the canyon with a bit more greenery, the summer months from October to April may be more suitable.